Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Klaatu - Calling Occupants of Interstellar Craft

One of my favorite prog songs is this one, Calling Occupants of Intersteller Craft by Klaatu:

This song feels like such a clear connection the band's name - as if calling out to the pilot of the spacecraft from The Day the Earth Stood Still.

I first encountered this song as a cover on The Langley Schools Music Project. Next I heard the Klaatu version, and then finally the version by The Carpenters.

The Carpenters:

The Langley Schools Music Project

Oh, and trivia - the owl sound at the beginning is one of the band members blowing across a half-empty Labatt 50 shortie's open top.


  1. I tend to think of this in the same space as "In the Year 2525" and Donovan's "Atlantis" for some reason.

  2. Oh, and then there's this gem, which also seems to be related, conceptually.

    1. I've never heard of that . . . although, based on the comments, I should have. I caught some of Allison "the Nightbird" Steele's show back in the day on WNEW and WXRK in New York City.

    2. I first heard about it in a book talking about incredibly strange music. I don't think it was the Re/Search volume on the subject, but it might have been, and I can't think of what other book it might be. It was included, obviously, due to the hypnosis-style induction that begins the track. The band name (after the band's theremin, named Lothar) was a bonus to that.
